It's Official... The FlagHouse Overcomer is HERE!!!

It’s official… today was the official launch day for the FlagHouse Overcomer🎉🥳🎉🥳

Order the FlagHouse Overcomer Here!

I want to take a moment to give thanks to my incredible God, my amazing and supportive wife, my loving family and friends, Flaghouse Inc., Avid Product Development and EVERYONE who has played a role in this journey over the past six years!!!

There are so many individuals and organizations who have contributed in countless ways to the success of this product… From those who shared on social media, to those who donated, to those who helped in the design and development, legal counsel and patent attainment, those who allowed their loved ones to try a new potential product, those who opened doors along the way, to those who always believed in me and this mission… I am humbled and could never express my gratitude enough.



